Blog Archives

Stridsvagn m/40L behind someone’s woodpile, 1942

A strv m/40L belonging to 1. armékåren on exercises in Skåne, September 1942. Note the hay drying in the background.

Photo credit: S. Höök/Engelholms Tidning

Photo credit: S. Höök/Engelholms Tidning

Stridsvagn m/38 on pontoon, 1939

A strv m/38 being shipped over a lake on a pontoon. Uppland, 1939.

Photo credit: Text & Bilder/Försvarsstabens pressavdelning

Photo credit: Text & Bilder/Försvarsstabens pressavdelning

Stridsvagn 103A with supporting infantry, 1968

Photo credit: Arméstabens bilddetalj

Photo credit: Arméstabens bilddetalj

Stridsvagn 74 prototype, 1957

Stridsvagn 74 prototype, 1957. Note the odd muzzle brake; as far as I know it was only used on this prototype (#701).

Photo credit: Försvarsstabens pressavdelning

Photo credit: Försvarsstabens pressavdelning

Stridsvagn m/42 on an urban combat exercise, 1944

Stridsvagn m/42 on an urban combat exercise in the streets of Östermalm, Stockholm, April 29th, 1944.

Photo credit: C. Sandels/Försvarsstabens pressavdelning

Photo credit: C. Sandels/Försvarsstabens pressavdelning

Taking a break on stridsvagn m/42, 1950

Tank crew from Kungl. Göta Pansarlivgarde (P1) taking a break on the engine deck and turret of a strv m/42. Somewhere near Nyköping, October 7th, 1950. Photo credit: Wester/Försvarsstabens pressavdelning.

Tank crew from Kungl. Göta Pansarlivgarde (P1) taking a break on the engine deck and turret of a strv m/42. Somewhere near Nyköping, October 7th, 1950.
Photo credit: Wester/Försvarsstabens pressavdelning.

Stridsvagn 103 0-series, Ravlunda, 1966

I’m sitting on a ton of photos from the national archives that aren’t of any use to anyone. That needs to change, so I’ll start posting one a day or so here. Enjoy!

Five S-tank prototypes (from the 0-series) at Ravlunda exercise field, 1966. Photo credit: Svenskt Pressfoto, Malmö/Försvarsstabens pressavdelning

Five S-tank prototypes (from the 0-series) at Ravlunda exercise field, 1966.
Photo credit: Svenskt Pressfoto, Malmö/Försvarsstabens pressavdelning