Report on live fire trials against a strv 74 turret

A report from the Royal Military Academy, dated 1960-11-30, regarding live fire trials conducted against a strv 74 turret in August of 1960.

Weapons used:

  • 20 mm “tube cannon” for strv 74 (a smaller gun barrel inserted into the full-size one for practice purposes), firing 20 mm spĆ„rljuspansarprojektil m/42 (a full-caliber AP tracer round)
  • 37 mm anti-tank gun m/34 firing 37 mm spĆ„rljuspansarprojektil m/49 (a sub-caliber AP tracer round with a 24 mm penetrator)
  • 75 mm tank gun for strv 74, firing 7,5 cm spĆ„rljuspansarprojektil m/49 (a sub-caliber AP tracer round with a 50 mm penetrator)

The report concludes that the 20 mm rounds will reliably penetrate the turret side at distances less than 300 meters, with possible penetrations up to 670 meters. The 37 mm sub-caliber rounds will reliably penetrate most of the turret except an area within 20 degrees to either side of the gun barrel at distances under 750 meters, and may be able to penetrate the gun mantlet at distances up to about 850 meters. The 75 mm sub-caliber rounds will reliably penetrate the gun mantlet with considerable behind-armor effects at distances up to at least 1400 meters and most likely significantly longer distances as well, but that has not been tested.

Archive reference: SE/KrA/0266/002/01:H/F I/43


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