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Pictures from the archive

A few pictures to give you an idea of what the archive actually looks like.


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Various 1954 meeting notes regarding Bofors project 6400

Meeting notes from three different meetings between KATF and Bofors at various points during 1954, regarding “project 6400” (a heavy tank).

Archive reference: SE/KrA/0266/002/01:H/F I/1

Conclusions from evaluating the AMX-13

A letter to the French military attaché in Stockholm, dated 1954-10-22, summarizing the conclusions from the Swedish evaluation of the AMX-13.

Summarizing the summary, the tank is found to have:

  • surprisingly good firepower considering its small size
  • excellent mobility (with some modifications, the mobility is good even in severe winter conditions)
  • good reliability and ease of maintenance
  • low specific fuel consumption (i.e. good mpg)
  • bad crew comfort; the interior is found to be highly cramped
  • severely lacking armor protection, although the mobility and small size compensates for this to some degree

The evaluation further suggests that the small size would be even more advantageous if the gun depression was increased 3-4 degrees and that a zoom function for the tank commander’s optics would be desirable. It also criticizes the design choice to have the engine’s cooling air pass below the fighting compartment, on the grounds that this seems dangerous if the tank is exposed to napalm or radioactively contaminated dust.

Archive reference: SE/KrA/0266/002/01:H/F I/1

S-tank: investigation regarding increasing the engine output

Memo (dated 1964-02-22) from Bofors regarding various possibilities in increasing the engine output of the S-tank. Options mentioned are a supercharged 275 or 300 HP version of the Rolls-Royce K-60 piston engine (a 240 HP version powered the first incarnation of the S-tank), a 300 HP Volvo piston engine in development for use on the pbv 302 APC and a Boeing 553 turbine.

Archive reference: SE/KrA/0266/005/01:H/F II/5

Technical specification, S-tank type A

Original title: Teknisk bestämmelse för stridsvagn S, typ A

Incomplete; I only photoed the 60 or so pages I found most interesting (out of a total of 144). Dated 1964-10-04. Note the wax seal on the first page.

Archive reference: SE/KrA/0266/005/01:H/F II/5

S-tank. Costs for the 0-series

Original title: Strv S. Kostnader för 0-serien

Memo describing an official decision regarding costs for the S-tank prototypes. Dated 1963-10-19.

Archive reference: SE/KrA/0266/005/01:H/F II/4