Minutes of meetings regarding a better gun for strv m/42

Minutes from three 1944 meetings, regarding equipping the strv m/42 with a better gun. The existing 7,5 cm kan m/41 strv has insufficient penetration, and a replacement is clearly necessary considering the tank development seen so far during the war. A 57 mm option is considered, but in the end it is decided to let Bofors fit the 75 mm pvkan m/43 for trials.

This requires a redesigned turret; blueprints for that are attached. These presented my small camera with some problems since they’re huge (they portray the entire tank – 6.2 meters long in reality – at scale 1:5, which means the tank is about 1.2 meters long on the blueprint) so I’ve had to photograph them in parts.

Archive reference: SE/KrA/0062/D/01/016:H/F I/3